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Jullie mooiste reis

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Your own private fishing house with exclusive facilities

Everything you can dream of, will be provided.

  • Always in absolute privacy and without any time limits?
  • Floating on waves of light?
  • Surrounded by water and 2 private gardens?
Everything you can dream of, will be provided. Flat screen TV, sauna, outdoor jacuzzi, private cinema, your favorite colors, relaxing mezzanine, fireplace, microwave, Senseo, iPOD, ...

Relax in the mezzanine lounge with your favorite colors and your music on a sublime sound system.  
Or do you prefer a unique private cinema with comfortable leather seats and a nice fireplace?

Your garden also has a sauna patio and 2 private terraces exposed to the sunlight.

With an overnight stay, you can relax in our NOX-beds with real quilt and luxury bed linens.

Your private fishing house near Nieuwpoort also offers private sauna and wellness facilities. You don't have to leave to relax.
Would you also like an overnight stay? This is also possible in your private sauna fishing house!

Changing the color of the interior? 
With only one button, you can choose any color for your private fishing house.

Getting completely absorbed by your favorite music or film?
The digital Blue Ray sound system and film projector will offer you an ultimate private cinema experience, even better than Kinepolis can offer.
More info? http://www.seanooz.be/




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